Our brain sets limits on what we can see. For instance, although science has demonstrated that sound waves travel through air and walls, our brain does not allow us to see those waves. We have accepted such fact without having experienced ‘sound waves’ ourselves.
When the same brain shows us that our individual body is separate from other bodies, the fear-based mind concludes that being different and separate means that other bodies can be a danger to us. In actuality, society and education have taught us that.
However, bodies only behave according to what the mind dictates. If my mind has learned that other minds can have ill intents as I do toward others, I cannot trust that others will behave kindly and fairly toward me.
Therefore, I set out in the world with a ‘defensive’ mindset, projecting on others what I fear. It is then impossible for me to see in others or share with them the peace, joy, laughter, wisdom, innocence, inner freedom, safety, abundance, I so badly want.
When I remember that everyone on this planet wants the same things (we just forget that it is what we want out of learned fear), then I can work on overlooking people’s ‘funny’ behaviours and share with them what we all want. It makes it easier to remember that we all are on the same team.
Please do not believe what I say; try this idea for yourself! Start your day by deciding that you will make an effort to see kindness in others, despite what they may demonstrate, and see how your day goes. Make sure you do this for at least 3 consecutive weeks so that a new habit is formed.