"Confidence is the willingness to try; it is a skill you build through action." - Mel Robbins
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Mel Robbins reminds us of a few important elements about confidence:
It is not a trait, meaning that it is not something we are born with;
It is rather a SKILL, something we can work on and develop;
It is situational, that is, in some situations we can be quite confident but feel much less confident in others;
It is developed through action.
When we take action, two things are likely to happen: we either succeed or learn. In either case, we survive.
If we don’t succeed, we can assess what happened and learn from the situation for our next move. If we don’t make the effort to learn from what happened, at least, we have survived. No matter the outcome, everyone can say they have survived everything in their lives. If you are reading this blog, it is proof that you have survived.
Competence improves confidence and confidence increases competence, thus, the Competence-Confidence Loop. However, this is somewhat the chicken-and-egg issue! The main struggle for most of us is to start.
Mel Robbins suggests her 5-4-3-2-1 tool to get started, such as, getting out of bed, sit down to write, or get dressed for a walk. Once we have made this first move, the likelihood of continuing the behaviour or action increases by several folds.
The understanding and tool suggested above are very simple; that does not mean they are easy to do. We must want joy and satisfaction more than staying in misery to make the necessary efforts.
Keep applying them in order to show yourself their benefits! Enjoy!